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The WomoLIN.app connects to your WomoLIN.core and allows complete control from your smartphone, tablet or browser.
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DIY project to build a smart fuel sensor for RVs or in other projects. It is based on air pressure and is able to measure fresh water as well as grey and black water levels with high precision.
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A project for the visual representation of the RV sensors as well as the control of functions
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Smart upgrade project to the OGO dry seperation toilet. This Projects aims to improve the airflow by using a super silent but strong 120mm fan and a PWM controller with a D+ signal contact for maximum power while driving around. In addition the Smart module with WIFI allows you to get temperature and humidity information as well als allows you to run the mixer on a timer interval or from your mobile as well as configuring FAN speed.
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Emulation of Truma LIN Master CP Plus Control Panel with ESP 32
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Connect a ESP32 to a Hella IBS 200x Battery sensor to get the status into the MQTT using WIFI.